Authors report the impact on rates of BCx utilization of the DISTRIBUTE (DIagnostic STewaRdship Improves Blood CUlTurEs) study, a quality improvement intervention consisting of dissemination of an algorithm to guide clinical decision making regarding indications for BCxs, education about avoiding ordering solitary BCxs, and feedback of BCx rates and BCx appropriateness in a medical intensive care unit (MICU) and medicine floors at a large academic center.
Fabre V, Klein ESalinas AB, Jones G, Carroll KC, Milstone AMAmoah J, Hsu Y, Gadala A, Desai S, Goyal A, Furfaro D, Zimmerman J, Lin S, Cosgrove SE.2020.A Diagnostic Stewardship Intervention To Improve Blood Culture Use among Adult Nonneutropenic Inpatients: the DISTRIBUTE Study. J Clin Microbiol. doi:10.1128/jcm.01053-20