Implementation of an Antibiotic Stewardship Program in Long-term Care Facilities Across the US

Participation in the AHRQ safety program was associated with the development of ASPs that actively engaged clinical staff in the decision-making processes around antibiotic prescriptions in participating LTC facilities. The reduction in antibiotic DOT and starts, which was more pronounced in more engaged facilities, indicates that implementation of this multifaceted program may support successful ASPs in LTC settings.

Katz M, Tamma P, Cosgrove S, Miller M, Dullabh P, Rowe T, Ahn R, Speck K, Gao Y, Shah S, Jump R. Implementation of an Antibiotic Stewardship Program in Long-Term Care Facilities across the United States. JAMA Netw Open 2022;1;5.

AHRQ Antibiotic Use Tool Kit